Friendilo is more than just an app

Welcome to Friendilo, where giving back meets social connection! Our social media app is not just about sharing moments; it’s about creating a positive impact on the world. We’ve transformed our platform to blend the power of social networking with the spirit of charity.

Our App Unique features

Registration Process

With an easy and effective registration process, we try to keep our operations transparent and efficient.

Needy information

Our system uses the needys' info and displays it to the nearest and most relevant donor or helper.

Verification Process

We use multiple layered and third-party verifications to insure the donations reach the rightful person.

Assigning Needy

The donor will be able to see the needy in his closest proximities and will have easy access to the needy.

Donor Accessing

Our system connects the needy to the donor most efficiently and realistically. Donor can view all details.

Donation Types

Donation is usually considered monetary funds however we aim to change this cliche and provide food, skills & more.

Rehab Process

We assist NGOs in rescuing and providing rehabilitation to victims and becoming good people in our society.

Delivery Process

Our integrated delivery system is the bridge that connects the donor to the needy in a effecient way.

What We Do?

We Are In A Mission To change current charity model in world

The transparency of our system allows us to reduce the leakages due to corruption by up to 40% as we not only create a direct connection between the donor and the needy, we also make sure that the wastage of resources is kept to minimum. We make this possible by providing the users with easy access to the needy in their local area. We also assist other NGOs in providing rescue and rehab which is often left neglected by many NGOs due to the lack of monetary incentives. However we aim to change this model with help of modern technology.

Small business for the poor

Coming Soon

Our App will helps poor families and individuals out of poverty by helping them start small businesses.

Deliver Free Food to Needy

Our app will provide facitilty to hungry and donor both. Every one can search for free food in their area with help of app.

Free Basic Education

Our App will also Provide services to NGO' s , Which provides free eduction.

Basic Health Facility

Coming Soon

our App will help people to provide medical facility.

Technology ends world hunger.

It's Time to Automate Your Charities

Every day, billions of dollars are donated to charities. Yet, very few people can say with full confidence that their money is being used the way they want to. We take the guesswork out of charity giving by providing donors with an easy-to-use management platform that allows them to track exactly how their money is being spent by charities. In addition, we provide charities with a CRM solution that helps them communicate and manage donor relationships more effectively. Donor and NGO’s will use our app as a bridge.

How We Do?

Our Strong & Unique Needy Verification System

We’re building a crystal verification system that will help people to donate more effectively. Using AI, we are creating an interface that will make giving and volunteering to charities much easier. We’re also providing a way for charities to reach out to people in the most effective way possible. Our mission is to make charity crystal clear and get people more involved with social good.

Volunteer With Us ?

Charity Activities Are Taken Place Around The World.

We have found a way to give donate to charity and NGOs with our app. We take the money from people who donate and distribute it to the NGO’s and charities. Once we do this we will help the donors to monitor their donation’s progress. We also help the NGO and charities to monitor their progress.


We Need Your Help

Is Charitee A Non-Profit Organization?

Far Far Away, Behind The Word Mountains, Far From The Countries Vokalia And Consonantia, There Live The Blind Texts. Separated They Live In Bookmarksgrove Right At The Coast

Where Does Charitee Money Come From?

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How We Became Best Among Others?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Optio, neque qui velit. Magni dolorum quidem ipsam eligendi, totam, facilis laudantium cum accusamus ullam voluptatibus commodi numquam, error, est. Ea, consequatur.

How Do You Find Areas For Meal Distribution?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Optio, neque qui velit. Magni dolorum quidem ipsam eligendi, totam, facilis laudantium cum accusamus ullam voluptatibus commodi numquam, error, est. Ea, consequatur.

Where Does Charitee Money Come From?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Optio, neque qui velit. Magni dolorum quidem ipsam eligendi, totam, facilis laudantium cum accusamus ullam voluptatibus commodi numquam, error, est. Ea, consequatur.

Transparent Management System

We are developing a platform for companies, individuals, and other organizations. Our goal is clear to create a frictionless process people can rely on, built with the latest technologies that are fairer and more sustainable.

Meet Our Team

Our Expert Volunteer

John Doe

Software Engineer

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John Doe

Software Engineer

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John Doe

Software Engineer

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What We Do?

We've worked with so many
amazing partners in our charity journey

We offer a full line of charity to solve the problems exist in the world. We works so hard on the causes we are supporting. We want all of you in the mission. We offer a full line of charity to solve the,